I went down to the farmer's market in Santa Barbara on Saturday and was so giddy. It was a beautiful sunny morning and the market was bubbling full of life. I couldn't help but smile as I walked around (or rather skipped around dodging anyway in my way) tasting all the juicy red strawberries I could get my hands on. And there were fava beans! Score! Fava beans are such a rare treat that I hop on the opportunity to get them any chance I get.
I have been waiting for an opportune time to eat them. I wanted to do it when I had the time to prepare them or someone to share them with. However, being a busy college student living alone and having busy college friends meant I had to settle for just one of the two. So last night, coming back from a soccer game I decided I could not wait any longer. I wanted, needed to eat my magical beans!
Originally I thought I was going to make bruscchetta with the fava beans but after all my preperation I decided they had to be eaten el naturale. I had to savor their flavor in the purest form, unihibited by things like thyme and bread and olive oil (although I will make that the next chance I get). And so it went, I ate my beans like the delicate jewels that they are. With just a hint of sea salt, I ate the little things slowly, one by one, and with my hands. They were too dainty for utensils. Plus it's more fun to play with my food!
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