So on a glorious Santa Barbara day, we came to a decision: we NEEDED to create a food blog. There were no ifs, ans, or buts, associated with the decision rather a clear and concise YES! from all peoples involved. So amidst the mayhem of school, midterms, studying, work, friends, sports, California sunshine (in January may I add) and an extraordinary amount of tasty food, Bourgie on a Budget was created. As a bunch of college girls, one would expect our resources to be minimal. Heck, our resources are minimal- at least as far as money goes.
But when it comes down to it we are amazing improvisationalists who know the importance of a good meal and the importance of a cheap meal. But, my dear reader, you will be amazed at the brilliance of our creative ingenuity. I wish I had pictures to display our recent displays of yumminess, but sadly my camera seems to outsmart me by losing battery power every time I go to use it. Thus, you MUST take my word for it, start off on the correct foot and realize you have no grounds to think I am steering you wrong. In fact, in the words of
Robert Frost, I am merely guiding you down "the one less traveled"- hopefully opening up your eyes to culinary creations that you would never think to do at home.
Part of our mantra includes th

e idea of simple yet delicious. We shop fresh, organic, and, whenever possible, local. I know the importance of connecting with the people who grow our food and are frequent visitors of our local farmers market (you'd be amazed at the good deals you can find there!). We love veggies and the vibrant array of colors that symbolize their nutritional importance. However, we are in no way opposed to meat and fully appreciate a good piece of beef (let me tell you I have been craving a good burger, aka Mike's at the Crossroads in Cotati, CA for a long time). Oh, and we could never ever EVER live without sweets. Honestly, I think chocolate is what gets us through college... well maybe that and a good cappuccino! but coffee is in a world of its own. But, trust me, we know how to do it right here on the left coast.
So without further adieu, welcome... hope you enjoy reading and even more, I hope you enjoy eating!
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